A person commits simple criminal damage to property when he/she intentionally damages any property of another, without the consent of the owner, that does not qualify as Aggravated Criminal Damage to Property, and by any means other than fire or...
A person commits simple criminal damage to property when he/she intentionally damages any property of another, without the consent of the owner, that does not qualify as Aggravated Criminal Damage to Property, and by any means other than fire or...
A person commits simple assault when he/she commits an assault without a dangerous weapon. PENALTIES FOR A SIMPLE ASSAULT CONVICTION A simple assault conviction is punishable by a fine of up to $200.00, imprisonment up to ninety days, or both. WE...
A person commits issuing worthless checks when he/she intentionally issues a check, draft, or order for payment, regardless of whether there is an immediate exchange or not, with the intention to defraud, knowing that the person does not have enough...
A person commits illegal use of weapons when he/she intentionally or criminally negligently discharges any firearm, or the throwing, placing, or other use of any article, liquid, or substance, where it is foreseeable that it may result in death or...
A person commits illegal possession of stolen things when he/she possesses, procures, receives, or conceals anything of value, which has been the subject of any robbery or theft, under circumstances that indicate that the person knew or had good...
A person commits illegal possession of stolen firearms when he/she intentionally possesses, procures, receives, or conceals a firearm which has been the subject of any form of misappropriation. There are affirmative defenses to illegal possession of...
A person commits forgery when he/she: Forges any signature or any part of any writing purporting to have legal efficacy with the intent to defraud; or, Issues, transfers, or possesses a forged writing with intent to defraud. PENALTIES FOR...
A person commits flight from an officer when he/she drives a motor vehicle or operates a watercraft and intentionally refuses to bring a vehicle or watercraft to a stop knowing that they have been given a visual and audible signal to stop by a police...
A person commits filing false public records when he/she files or deposits for record in any public office or with any public official, or the maintaining as required by law, regulation, or rule, of any of the following: Any forged document;...
A person commits false personation when he/she performs any of the following acts with the intent to injure or defraud, or to obtain or secure any special privilege or advantage: Impersonates any public officer, or private individual having special...
A person commits criminal trespass when he/she: Enters any structure, watercraft, or movable owned by another without express, legal, or implied authorization; or, Enters upon immovable property owned by another without express, legal, or implied...
A provider commits credit card fraud when a provider, with intent to defraud an issuer, an acquirer, or a cardholder does any of the following: Furnishes money, goods, services, or anything else of value upon presentation of a credit card...
Residential contractor fraud is the misappropriation or intentional taking of anything of value which belongs to another, either without the consent of the other to the misappropriation or taking, or by means of fraudulent conduct, practices, or...
Simple battery is a battery committed without the consent of the victim. PENALTIES FOR A SIMPLE BATTERY CONVICTION A simple battery conviction is punishable by a fine of up to $1,000.00 or imprisonment term of up to six months, or both. WE WILL...
A person commits bank fraud when he/she knowingly executes, or attempts to execute, a scheme or artifice to do any of the following: defraud a financial institution; or, obtain any of the monies, funds, credits, assets, securities, or other...
Assault is defined as an attempt to commit a battery, or the intentional placing of another in reasonable apprehension of receiving a battery. WE WILL DEFEND YOU AGAINST ASSAULT CHARGES If you've been accused of assault, don't fight...
Assault by drive-by shooting occurs when a person with a firearm uses a motor vehicle to facilitate the assault. The term "drive-by shooting" means the discharge of a firearm from a motor vehicle on a public street or highway with the...
A person commits aggravated criminal damage to property when he/she intentionally damages any structure, watercraft, or movable, wherein it is foreseeable that human life might be endangered, by any means other than fire or explosion. PENALTIES FOR...
Aggravated assault with a firearm is defined as an assault committed with a firearm. A "firearm" is defined as an instrument used in the propulsion of shot, shell, or bullets by the action of gunpowder exploded within it. PENALTIES FOR...
Aggravated assault is defined as an assault committed with a dangerous weapon by a person. PENALTIES FOR AN AGGRAVATED ASSAULT CONVICTION A person who commits the crime of aggravated assault may be sentenced to a fine of up to $1,000.00;...