Prostitution is defined as the practice of sexual intercourse with others for compensation. Also, the solicitation of another with the intent to engage in sexual intercourse for compensation is considered prostitution. Sexual intercourse includes anal, oral, or vaginal sexual intercourse.
The state of Louisiana has several prostitution offenses. These offenses include enhanced penalties for offenses involving minors. The age of an alleged prostitute is a critical factor concerning the severity of the criminal charges.
If you were arrested and need prostitution defense in Shreveport, Bossier City, or a surrounding area, all hope is not lost. The Norris Law Group will fiercely protect your rights, your freedom, and your standing in the community.
Some common prostitution crimes in Louisiana include:
The basic offense of prostitution under Louisiana Revised Statute § 14:82 is punishable as follows:
A first convictions is punishable by:
When a prostitution crime is committed with a person under eighteen, a conviction is punishable by:
An accusation of prostitution or a related offense can negatively impact your life in numerous ways. A mere accusation could harm your relationships with your family, cost you employment opportunities, and strain valued relationships. Hiring an experienced criminal defense lawyer is crucial to protecting your reputation and your future.
The Norris Law Group will fight aggressively to minimize the impact of these charges on your life. You can take advantage of a thorough, confidential consultation when you call 318-771-7000 or contact us online.